Upcoming Studio Workshops

Painterly Printmaking


Christina Krentz


A/P Studio


Sundays, February 2 and 9, 2025 from 10am – 4pm



Monotypes are one of a kind prints that combine printing, painting, and drawing techniques with surprising and painterly results. In the course we will create monotypes with and without the press, using both additive and reductive techniques. 

This is a great workshop for beginners, intermediate, and experienced printmakers who want to loosen up and embrace painterly mark making. Students will leave with multiple unique prints, a full understanding of how to create their own monotype prints at home and in the studio, and the renewed energy to create.

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Linocut Basics


Jonathan Creese


A/P Studio


Tuesdays February 18 and 25, 2025, 6-9pm



In this course the basics of linocut printmaking will be taught with a focus on safe carving technique, good image design and the use of texture in the creation of compositions.Over the course of two evenings, participants will develop an image, carve it into a linoblock, and print a small edition of monochromatic prints. Participants should leave the workshop with a good foundation in the medium to allow them to continue with personal explorations.

This course is suitable for all levels with no prior experience needed.

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Intro to Screen Printing


Ryan Statz


A/P Studio


February 23, March 2 and March 9, 2025, 10-3pm



Hurry before it sells out!

Screen printing (or silkscreen) is a printmaking technique where layers of ink are pulled through a mesh screen to create a wonderfully detailed image, often with multiple layers of transparent ink interacting with one another. In this comprehensive workshop, students will gain an understanding of the processes involved in creating a screen print on paper within a professional printmaking studio and will leave with the knowledge and experience required to produce work independently.

This course is suitable for all levels with no prior experience needed.

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Intro to Screen Printing on Fabric


Yilu Xing


A/P Studio


Tuesdays, March 4, 11, 18, and 25, 2025, 6:30 – 9pm



Join us for this workshop and discover the joy of textile screen printing! This beginner-friendly class will introduce you to essential silk screen printing techniques and give you hands-on experience printing with various inks on fabric.

We’ll guide you through the entire process, from preparing a screen with photo emulsion to exposing it with different stencils and getting it ready for printing. With all the fundamental techniques covered, you’ll be well-equipped to start your own textile printing projects. You’re also welcome to bring your own clothes or tote bags made from natural materials to print your designs on.

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Chine Collé Secrets


Myken McDowell


A/P Studio


March 23, 2025



Take your prints to the next level! This one-day chine-collé workshop would be ideal for those with some prior printmaking experience, who may have old etching plates they would like to revisit, old proofs printed on washi paper, monotypes, or drawings rendered in oil-based inks. In this workshop, students will learn how to chine-collé, a process of printing on Japanese rice paper and bonding to a heavier substrate, both with and without a press. Over the course of a single class, Participants will extend their print knowledge as students will walk through the chine- collé process step-by-step to make unique works of art.


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Join our Waitlist!

A/P workshops tend to fill up fast.

To help connect you with workshops in the techniques you want to learn, you can sign up for our advance-notice waitlist!

One-on-One Tutorials

Looking for a refresher or to hone your existing skillset? A One-On-One Tutorial might be right for you!

These tutorial options are designed for those who have pre-existing skills and would either like a refresher or a short session (minimum of 3 hours) with an instructor who is knowledgeable in an intermediate technique to grow your existing know-how.

We can mainly coordinate sessions with instructors who are experienced in lithography, etching/intaglio, relief, and silkscreen processes.

Contact us with your one on one inquiry and we will be in touch with you to discuss tutorial options and rates.

Please note: one on one tutorials are not as comprehensive as a workshop and do not serve as a workshop substitute. A/P staff may require several weeks lead time to make arrangements with potential instructors, and scheduling these tutorials is subject studio and instructor availability.

Thank you to our incredible Studio Sponsor and friendly local art supply store, Inglewood Art Supplies!

Inglewood Art Supplies is an official A/P Studio Sponsor by playing a key role in A/P’s low workshop fees, and providing all A/P members with 20% discounts at their retail location!

You can find them online at inglewoodartsupplies.com and in Bridgeland at 646 1 Ave NE, Calgary, AB.