volunteering with a/P

A/P supports mutual learning, support, and growth

Volunteering for A/P can be a great way to support your local community using specialized skills related to printmaking or relevant non-profit leadership.

It can also be a way to learn new skills while getting to know fellow artists, printmakers, and arts enthusiasts.   

Some volunteer positions require A/P membership, and some may require some printmaking experience – but many positions don’t. 

Anyone can be a volunteer with A/P and we have many ways to connect!  

Currently recruiting: board members

A/P is currently seeking enthusiastic individuals who are interested in contributing to A/P through Board leadership. 

Board positions are held by volunteers and the Board of Directors is composed of individuals with a range of skill sets and experiences. We welcome folks both with and without printmaking knowledge/experience, those who are emerging or experienced artists, and individuals without art experience who have leadership experience.

To be included in the 2024 Board Slate during our upcoming Annual General Meeting:

  • All folks who are interested are welcome to contact A/P with their expression of interest no later than June 1, 2024.
  • Current priority roles that we are seeking include: Vice President, Gallery Chair (or Co-Chairs), and Fund Generation

member volunteer incentives

We recognize the importance of volunteerism in supporting the non-profit arts sector and we and acknowledge how our volunteers contribute to the vitality and sustainability of the organization.

To express our gratitude, A/P has developed a Volunteer Incentive Program where volunteer hours accumulated can be redeemed for A/P Studio Rental time and/or A/P swag!

interested in volunteering?

We want to hear from you!

A/P has a range of volunteer opportunities in a variety of areas including roles that include some printmaking and exhibition skills, and those that are more focused on nonprofit leadership and administration. 

Volunteerism with A/P can include being included in upcoming short-term commitments, or taking part in ongoing committee or board involvement, depending on your interests and availability.

Interested? Fill out this quick form to let us know your interests, how you would like to contribute, and what skills volunteerism may also help you develop!