Intro to Screen Printing


Ryan Statz


A/P Studio


Sundays, November 3, 17, and 24, 2024 from 10am – 3pm



Hurry before it sells out!

Screen printing (or silkscreen) is a printmaking technique where layers of ink are pulled through a mesh screen to create a wonderfully detailed image, often with multiple layers of transparent ink interacting with one another. In this comprehensive workshop, students will gain an understanding of the processes involved in creating a screen print on paper within a professional printmaking studio and will leave with the knowledge and experience required to produce work independently.

This course is suitable for all levels with no prior experience needed.

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Chine Collé Secrets


Myken McDowell


A/P Studio, 10am - 4pm


October 27, 2024



Take your prints to the next level! This one-day chine-collé workshop would be ideal for those with some prior printmaking experience, who may have old etching plates they would like to revisit, old proofs printed on washi paper, monotypes, or drawings rendered in oil-based inks. In this workshop, students will learn how to chine-collé, a process of printing on Japanese rice paper and bonding to a heavier substrate, both with and without a press. Over the course of a single class, Participants will extend their print knowledge as students will walk through the chine- collé process step-by-step to make unique works of art.

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Next Steps in Letterpress


Michelle Wiebe


A/P Studio


October 20, 2024



Are you ready to expand your letterpress skills and broaden your printing abilities?

Join us for a deeper look at printing with platen and cylinder presses and increase your independence within the print shop!

The class is excellent for students who own or are considering purchasing their own press or those who want to independently use the A/P Studio presses with greater confidence.


September 22 from 10am – 4pm

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Intro to Etching


Alison Frank


A/P Studio


Tuesdays, October 8, 15, 22, 29 and November 5, 2024 from 6:00 – 9:00 pm



Ever wonder how those beautifully illustrated old books were made? With all those fancy lines and cross hatching? Picasso, Degas, Rembrandt and Francisco de Goya have all made famous works just with basic copper etching techniques!

This course will cover the fundamentals of etching, including drypoint, hardground and aquatint ground techniques. Participants will learn how to use a traditional 15th century style printing press, to create their works.

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Intro to Linocut


Michelle Wiebe


A/P Studio, 10am - 4pm


October 6, 2024



In this class, students will learn the basics of linocut printmaking. The instructor will teach students about composition, safe cutting techniques and how to pull prints. Also covered will be information about choosing tools, ink and papers suitable for a wide range of projects. Participants will leave with hand pulled prints of their own design, their own carved blocks as well as the skill to practice at home using basic art materials.

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