Intro to Letterpress


Michelle Wiebe


A/P Studio


September 22, 2024



Get Started with Letterpress printing and try different types of letterpress printing presses!

Looking for a quick and  beautiful way to do relief printing? Using printing presses will give you the speed and flexibility to take your art to the next level.

Compatible with Linocut printing, Polymer plates and Woodcuts, this class gives you the knowledge to lock these things up with lead type or on their own in their two user friendly presses!

No experience required.

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Photolithography Basics


Jamie-Lee Girodat


A/P Studio


Sundays: September 15 and 22 from 10:00am – 3:00pm (each day)



Photolithography is a technique perfect for anyone interested in photography or drawing in printmaking. This course will cover a range of possibilities to transform photographs, digital creations, or drawn material into richly detailed lithographs. Participants will learn to process a photosensitive plate, exposing it to light to develop a printable image.

This course is suitable for all levels with no prior experience needed.

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Intro to Screen Printing


Ryan Statz


A/P Studio


August 18, 2024



Hurry before it sells out!

Screen printing (or silkscreen) is a printmaking technique where layers of ink are pulled through a mesh screen to create a wonderfully detailed image, often with multiple layers of transparent ink interacting with one another. In this comprehensive workshop, students will gain an understanding of the processes involved in creating a screen print on paper within a professional printmaking studio and will leave with the knowledge and experience required to produce work independently.

This course is suitable for all levels with no prior experience needed.

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This is filler text

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